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The egg shell is so fragile yet so strong!! :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I Medusa.

some people are scarred
beyond the point of starting new
the point of loving someone
EVER again

some people are scarred
from their childhood
from their actions & choices
from the people they love
people they hate

ALL people are scarred
I  know you can not love me.
No one can.
That I know by now.

Not because of your scars,
but because of mine.

So, just tell the truth,
when I ask your heart.

Simply tell me that you feel like spewing,
when you see my scales,
the snakes of anger hanging around me.
Tell me you despise me
for being deflowered.

Tell me, with honesty you'd rather
be stoned
than love me!

I'm not a fool!
I know, scars are scars, after all;
they are just marks.
Left alone, scars don't hurt.