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The egg shell is so fragile yet so strong!! :)

Saturday, December 31, 2011


How do you miss a thing,
That you never knew was there?
Or better yet
You suspected was not there?
Yes quite!
Till it's the next one's turn
To find
That she's lost
What she never missed!


I cannot stand to live with it,
Nor can it easily be washed away
With Listerine,
This taste of failure in my mouth!
Yet I try,
Again & again,
With as much vigor as I've got.
To just do that
I cannot!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I will smile,
Because it's a choice,
& it's a good choice.

I will continue with my life,
I am alive.
& there's a lot to live for.

I will hope & dream.
So one day
hopefully I can live my dreams.

But I tell you!
I will miss you,
As you walk away,
From what could have been...
From our smiles!
From our life!
From our dreams!
& our hopes!

I will miss you,
As it is not "OUR" any more,
But mine only,
this feeling of loss!

& I will keep it,
Inside me,
For it is mine!

But for you,
May you find, one day
As you walk
In your life
What you're dreaming of
Every day & night.

Loss of Innocence!

It only takes
A moment
To lose your innocence.
A moment of unguarded youth,
A moment of confusion.
Fake or true;
A moment of connection,
& you lose it; your innocence.
Between the crumpled sheets
& bloodied dreams,
Between trust & SOMETHING in-between,
With lost hope
& unspoken truths
you lose
Your innocence.
Never to find
Where it's kept now,
Like all things lost
Gone it is!!.

Ask me...

Ask me who I am
I will tell you

I am LIKE the ocean
Harsh & changing
Yet gentle & calm at the depths of its heart
I am THE mother yet a child
I am the friend & the wife
I am the giver
Of the breath of life
With the blood I shed every month
I am whole
yet I am incomplete
I am everything & yet
I am nothing
I am what I AM
Sum of all that was & that will be

& yet I will remain
Reticent with a smile upon my lips
Until THAT time you ask
Who I am
& Whom I've been!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


you wait!! & wait!! & wait!!!....
for someone/anyone to see
those scars...
those wounds...
you help inflict
on yourself.
one CAN'T miss!!
they are there to see,
only if one takes off the polaroids.
so you wait!! & wait!! & wait!!
for someone/anyone to see
until hours turn to days & months & years & years & years.......
& you wait!!!
until you leave
to begin another cycle
still WAITING!! & waiting!!!!!!!..