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The egg shell is so fragile yet so strong!! :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I will smile,
Because it's a choice,
& it's a good choice.

I will continue with my life,
I am alive.
& there's a lot to live for.

I will hope & dream.
So one day
hopefully I can live my dreams.

But I tell you!
I will miss you,
As you walk away,
From what could have been...
From our smiles!
From our life!
From our dreams!
& our hopes!

I will miss you,
As it is not "OUR" any more,
But mine only,
this feeling of loss!

& I will keep it,
Inside me,
For it is mine!

But for you,
May you find, one day
As you walk
In your life
What you're dreaming of
Every day & night.

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