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The egg shell is so fragile yet so strong!! :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Beginning of an end

I was darn tired. Had been painting the floor of my room the whole evening & the room smelled like turpentine & it was 7pm when I get a call. 

Hey come out. I'm with a few friends @lighthouse.
An hour after I walk in to the cafe and wave at my friend.
Was in a dark blue summer dress with a line of cut work flowers on it's hem. It was a chilled out evening with the sea breeze blowing on my wild hair. Always the wild hair.
Hello baby.. how are u?
I'm damn tried... . I need a massage.
He started rubbing my shoulders while walking towards his group of friends.
Hey guys this is....... 
& I wave @them all, casually.
And this one guy amongst the group of friends gets up & offers his hand "I'm .....".
I noticed him ,I saw him. Blue jeans, white shirt and blazer. Nerdy spectacles. A beard. A nice smile.
"Where would you want to sit" he asks holding a chair. "Anywhere" uttered I.
That was the beginning of the end, for me.

After a hurricane on my bed he sits on the edge of the bed, looking at me as I rub myself dry.
"And I saw this woman at light house one night and I said to myself "oh fuuuuck".
That was a surprise. A damn surprise.
"So you were thinking, fuck, the 1st time you met me? " I ask.
"No" says he. "This was different. It's an oh fuuuuck...... like when you have an orgasm."
"Ha.... the beginning of the end" think I.

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