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Sunday, December 27, 2015

End of a Love

I don't know how this goes
But I don't give a fuck.
Yeh you don't give a fuck.
I can see that, feel that and hear that in the deafening silence.
The noise of plastic being torn.
Well good bye my love.
Because I give a fuck.
I feel.
I have never let anyone come
In me.
Never let anyone near me as I did you.
I never was careless enough to dream.
Till I met you.
And now I never will.
I will let you go my love.
Find happiness.
Marry a woman who makes you happy, have kids.
Name them Iris and Isaac.
For I have no need of those names anymore my love.
For I am a woman who cannot be loved.
For I will not dare dream again.
I know now where I belong.
And it isn't beside you my love.
I am sorry for the wasted times.
I am sorry for all the fucks not given.
But most of all I am sorry for  I am a disappointment.
I am sorry for all I am.
I tried my love. I tried to take this hideous joke of a woman away from this word but I failed , entirely, even at that.
I will keep trying my love. I promise.
Not that you'll give a fuck.
But I'll try all the same.
I hope one day we never meet.
And I wish you rainbows and laughter my love.
Forget that you loved me once.
Forget that your heart and your brain told you in unison , oh yes.
Just don't give a fuck my love.

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