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The egg shell is so fragile yet so strong!! :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Let go....

What do you do
When your heart is breaking
And your eyes well up
of torrential rains??
And you search the ends of the earth
To find a reason
For the storm,
And return empty!

WHAT do you do, then?

You let go, then

Of everything you like !
Of everything you loathe!
Of everything that binds!

Let go! With a haste!
Let go! With a love so pure!
Let go! With the sapience;
That all living things big or small
Seen or unseen
Born of matter or born of light
Over time!
The only certainty is
In the death of all who live!

Remember this
From the depths of your cells!

You let go
"As gently as a leaf renounces a drop of dew with the touch of morning light"
~ Thank you my good friend AA for MOST of this one :) ~

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