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The egg shell is so fragile yet so strong!! :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


"It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone
who you can bear your soul to
and who will accept you for WHAT you are.
I've been waiting
What seems like a very long time
To get beyond what I am.
With you
I feel like I can finally begin.
No measure of time with you is long enough
But lets start with forever!"
~Edward Cullen- Breaking Dawn~
All the nights & days
Of my long life I've seen pass by
I spent
Waiting for you.
I've felt your presence,
In the wind
In the flutter of leaves.
The colours of the changing seasons
Gave me hope
You were out there
Some where.
The small birds
fleeting from the northern skies
told me
Stories about you.
& I filled my dreams with
your hues,
Your essence,
your scent.
I filled them with YOU.
& so I waited!
I waited!
Waited for YOU!
& I've been waiting what seems like a long long long time!
Im a spent woman now,
Body & soul!
All my existence used on days bygone.
But my heart
I saved for you
And you only!
Still beating with the same rhythm
as before.
And it will beat on
Just for you!

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